Monday, December 17, 2012

Tenth Art Challenge - Dreams and Wishes

Come Join the Art Challenge!

Beti Abel


Jean Nelson
Helen H Trachy

Jean Nelson

"Dream and Wishes" by Dana Marie

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

*******NOTE: I have lifted the date in which entries needed to be sent in to be added to the blog. You may still enter your artwork for any 2012 and/or 2013 art challenge. Simply email me your piece(s) with the name of the challenge, your name, and your blog address (if you have one).********

Dana Marie

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ninth Art Challenge - Alone with My Thoughts

Come Join the Art Challenge!

"Alone with My Thoughts"
by Dana Marie

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

*******NOTE: I have lifted the date in which entries needed to be sent in to be added to the blog. You may still enter your artwork for any 2012 art challenge. Simply email me your piece(s) with the name of the challenge, your name, and your blog address (if you have one).********

Dana Marie

Friday, September 14, 2012

Eighth Art Challenge - To My Amazement

Come Join the Art Challenge!

Original Dana Marie Wearable Art
Original Dana Marie Wearable Art

Original Dana Marie Wearable Art
Dana Marie

"Balancing Act"
by Dana Marie

Sometimes it's easier to see a photograph or photo like painting to use as inspiration, however, I hope that you are able to see your own vision in my work.

It may take some work to break down the piece to something you would paint, but this is why this is called an Art Challenge.

Do you see a night sky?  A Carninal?  Maybe a Robin?  What do you see?  I want to see what comes from this exercise.

If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to email me at

"To My Amazement"

by Dana Marie

*Note:  The Original Wearable Art piece, "To My Amazement" is a miniature acrylic painting by Dana Marie and is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

Please, send your entry(s) in by October 13th.

NOTE: If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

Dana Marie

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seventh Art Challenge - Unnamed Bird Painting

I was really looking forward to seeing what other Artists created from this challenge.

I have suspended the entry send in your entries to

Unnamed Painting
by Dana Marie

*Note: The unnamed acrylic painting above by Dana Marie is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

NOTE: If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

Dana Marie

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sixth Art Challenge - Sweet Memories

"Sweet Memories"

by Dana Marie

*Note: The acrylic painting above, "Sweet Memories" by Dana Marie is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

NOTE: If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

Dana Marie

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fifth Art Challenge - Tranquil Journey

Teri H Hoover

Jean Nelson

"Tranquil Journey"
by Dana Marie

The original piece was created using sand and acrylic.

*Note: The painting above, "Tranquil Journey" by Dana Marie is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

NOTE: If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

Dana Marie

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fourth Art Challenge - Lilies in the Light

Nan Johnson
Jean Nelson
"Lilies in the Light"
by Dana Marie

*Note: The painting above, "Lilies in the Light" by Dana Marie is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

NOTE: If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

Dana Marie

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Third Art Challenge - Canard

Jean Nelson
Teri H Hoover

by Helen Trachy
(This month's art challenge)

This beautiful piece was submitted by Artist Helen Trachy for the art challenge painting.

I hope you enjoy the third challenge!

Happy Painting!

Have Fun! I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

NOTE:  If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

~ Dana Marie

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Second Art Challenge - Le Femme

Helen Trachy

Robie Benve

Nan Johnson

Jean Nelson


"Le Femme"

by Dana Marie

*Note:  The miniature painting (wearable art) above, "Le Femme" by Dana Marie is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting! 

Have Fun!  I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard:

NOTE:  If you would like a painting of yours to be considered for a future art challenge, please, send me a picture of the piece to me at

Dana Marie

Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Challenge - Garden Scents

Dana Marie

Nanci Johnson

Jean Nelson

Garden Scents

*Note:  The painting above, "Garden Scents" by Dana Marie is the piece we will be working from for this challenge.

Happy Painting! 

Have Fun!  I look forward to your rendition!

You may view EBSQ's 2011 Ripped Off entries here: Art Entries.

More great entries, these are from the 9th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit.


8th Annual Ripped Off Exhibit - Enjoy!

Here is a beautiful art challenge rendition by EBSQ Artist, Sandra Willard: